Festes de Sant Joan

Ciutadella is a town located in the west of the island of Menorca. Menorca is one of the Spanish Balearic Islands. Between the 22th and 25th of June the locals organize the Festes de Sant Joan (Feast of Saint John). Everything reaches its peak on the eve of Sant Joan which is on the 23rd of June. This day is traditionally called Dissabte De Sant Joan (Saturday of Saint John). The feast celebrates the victory of light over dark. It includes lot of fireworks, bonfire, dance and drink.

Festes de Sant Joan in Ciutadella, Spain Festes de Sant Joan in Ciutadella, Spain

According to an ancient belief bonfires during this feast have the power to purify body and soul. They can even cure skin diseases. Some people claim that jumping over bonfire three times will bring you loads of good luck. The feast even has its own alcoholic drink. It is called pomada. It is a combination of gin and lemonade.

A very special attraction is the arrival of riders on horses. They move through the crowd in a spectacular way. Some injuries always happen but nobody really cares. In the evening the strange battle starts. It is known as the Tirada d'Avellanes. People are throwing hazelnuts at each other. The locals believe that they symbolize love.