
Vodka is in alcoholic beverage made in the distillation of potatoes or grains (especially wheat and rye). The key factor is the main ingredient must contain high level of starch or sugar. The word vodka is of Slavic origin where it means little water. There are also vodkas with an extra flavour like for example chocolate, fruit or vanilla.

Nobody really knows when the first vodka was made. There are doubts whether it was in the 8th century Poland or the 9th century Russia. The first document mentioning production of vodka was the one made in Khlynovsk, Russia of 1174.

In parts of Poland during wedding festivities a best man carries a basket filled with bottles of vodka when the couple goes to the church. On their way groups of local men stop them and wish them all the best. In return they get a bottle or so of vodka.

In Poland vodka is often drank just before eating some pickled food like vegetable or fish. Poles make a toast by saying ``na zdrowie'' (``to health''). In Poland people usually drink vodka from the glass containing 50 ml of beverage.

Wódka Żołądkowa Gorzka (Żołądkowa Gorzka)

You must always drink everything in the glass, as Poles would say ``do dna'' (``till the bottom'').

Let's presume you are visiting someone and you are bringing a bottle of vodka. You have to be ``careful'' as you are not supposed to leave your guest until the whole bottle is drank.

Vodka is an essential part of almost every Russian meal. It is very important element of Russian social life. Vodka fans claim that it can easily get you in good mood. On the other side they say that sobering process after getting drunk is not that difficult.

Because of high taxes some Russians make vodka illegally. Russians drink a lot. According to data from 2013 Russians drink 13.5 litres of alcohol. This fact results in various illnesses and crimes that are committed.

Very similar as already mentioned Poles Russians enjoy their vodka with pickled delicacies. This kind of meal is in Russia known as ``zakuska''. There are also Russians who believe that vodka goes well with fat food.

Moskovskaya vodka

When drinking with some friends vodka is poured to each person present. The person pouring the drink gets his or her drink last. That person then makes a toast (``to your health''). After first round there are usually several more to come.

Some say that the third toast is ``to love''. There are also beliefs that the third, seventh and twenty first toast must be dedicated to women. That is not everything. All possible combination are allowed when one makes a toast.

Russian Celebration Zakuski

Vodka is traditionally drank fast, meaning not sipped slowly. Immediately after drinking one should eat something available on the table.



Because Poland Is Where Vodka Was Born!

How to drink vodka like a Pole

Understanding Vodka - Part II: Russian Heritage

Alcohol consumption in Russia

Russian Vodka Drinking Etiquette


Bottle of Polish Vodka (photo by Ormowiec, Wikimedia)

Bottle of Russian Vodka (photo by Janis Petranis, Flickr)

Zakuska (photo by Tymothy Post, Wikimedia)