Drinking in Basque country

The most popular beverage in the Basque country is apple cider. According to historical documents Basque started producing cider in the 11th century. Cider contains between 5 and 6% of alcohol per volume. Each year Basques start consuming their cider on the 19th January. Cider related events end sometime in April or May.

Off course one can buy a bottle of cider during whole year. But be careful to drink your cider within a year from the date printed on the label.

Sagardotegi - cider house

Apple cider is made in the fermentation of apple juice. Beverage is finished after two fermentations. The first one is a classic alcohol fermentation and it lasts between 10 and 45 days. The second one is actually a transformation of malic to lactic acid. This fermentation makes the beverage less sour and it lasts from 2 to 4 months.

A building where Basques meet and enjoy their cider is known as the sagardotegi. Most of these buildings are opened during the above mentioned cider season. But there are those opened during whole year.

Cider is kept in barrels of various sizes. There are huge barrels where over 1,000 litres of cider can be stored. Such a big barrel is called kupela.

There is kind of ritual related to it. When the word ``txotx'' is heard people take their glass and move towards the barrel. The employee of the sagardotegi or the guest who arrives first then opens a tap that exists on the barrel. Everyone then tries to get some cider flowing out of the barrel.


Nowadays Sagardotegis also offer meals that usually include cod, steaks, and different deserts.

Cider is present in the Basque music, folk beliefs and other traditions. Here are just few examples. Basques have a percussion instrument known as txalaparta. It is actually built of pieces of wood that were once part of apple press. According to a local folk belief cider has positive influence on a pregnant woman. Cider is also a popular topic of the traditional bertos folk songs.

There is the Day of New Cider (``Sagardo Berriaren Eguna'') in the town of Astigarraga which is located in the province of Gipuzkoa. The event is held on the 11th January. Various other cider related events exist in other parts of the Basque country during whole year.

Basque country also has quality wines. Probably the most famous of them is Txakoli. It is a white wine. It is little bit sparkling wine of sweet taste. The town of Getaria is especially known for its Txakoli.

Patxaran casero

If you are in Bilbao and you a wine lover you could visit the museum dedicated to Txakoli. It is located in the 18th century Mendibile Palace which is in the small town of Leioa about 10 kilometres away from Bilbao.

Basques have a very interesting folk dance called Maskaradak. It is performed by a group of five dancers during carnival (``ihauteriak'') season. A dancer has to jump on and then off the glass of wine. Wine should not be spilled. Glass should not be broken.

The Basque city of Nafarroa (Navarre) is known for its liqueur called Patxaran. It is a herbal beverage made by soaking of blackthorn berries, coffee beans, a vanilla pod in anisette liqueur or some white brandy. Some cinnamon sticks or chamomile can be added too. Soaking of ingredients lasts for up to 8 months. During this period verything should be kept at dark place.

Not all Patxaran liqueur is made by companies. Many people make it at home too. Patxaran has between 25 and 30% of of alcohol per volume. It has been made since the Middle Ages. It is traditionally drank chilled before meal.

The Pyrenees mountain range is rich in many herbs. Some of them are used in natural remedies but there are also those used in preparation of a traditional Basque liqueur known as Izarra (in Basque ``star''). Up to 15 various herbs can be used. The liqueur is kept in barrels for 6 months to mature.


Sagardotegi - cider house


Sagardotegi: The Basque Cider House

Sagardo Eguna


Txakoli - The Unknown Basque White Wine




Izarra (liqueur)

Zuberoako Maskaradak


Sagardotegi (photo by Gipuzkoa Kultura, Flickr)

Txotx (photo by Jose A. del Moral, Flickr)

Patxaran (photo by Ardo Beltz, Wikimedia)